Sunday, May 10, 2009

Experiments =D

Hey, what's up out there? So anyways I'm thinking about making up experiments and showing the results on one of my blogs or a new blog. These experiments are going to test if some beliefs to healthier and fitter bodies and skin are true. So I'm thinking of ideas for them but I can't show them with you cause I probably change my mind. So stay tune to some more postings on my blogs cause starting tomorrow. Yes tomorrow. I'm going to start living a healthier lifestyle and more spiritual one too. Also healthy for the earth to which is one of God's creation. I hope that some of my postings will help you out.

Peace and love,
Jonatha C.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Word of the Day

I just got an email from and of cause their word of the day is the beloved word mother. So I thought that I should look at the meaning of it. It means a female parent. One who gives birth to and/or permanently nurtures, comforts and protects a child. Which means that you didn't have to have birth to a child to be their mother. Usage: As befits the term, "mother" is the progenitor of a large and meaningful word family. "Motherly" is the adjective and adverb of today's word, as in "motherly love" and "she motherly wiped the little boy's tears away." "Motherliness" is the noun expressing the warmth, nurturing concern and protectiveness that give the root, "mother," its true meaning. Just as many mothers work two jobs, so does this word—it also does the work of a verb: "Mothering and working are full-time jobs can try the best of mothers." Just liked the word and wanted to post it.

Happy Mother's Day

Hey, I just want to say hey to ALL the mother's out there. When I say all I mean all. The mothers who gave birth, the expected mothers, foster moms, adopted moms(even to animals). All the different mothers. You all should enjoy this day. Especially my mom. Love you mom.
Hey sorry I haven't post anything on here in some time. I'm going to start a new blogs about what I have been talking about. Helping people gain and lose weight, going green, and staying healthy and fit. Also I'm going to write down spiritual stuff. I have been reading more about the bible and I want to share the word of God with everyone.

So look out for those posts.

Have I started eating healthy? No. But I will. I knew that I said that the last time but hey I'm only 18. But anyways I'm gong to start exercising and eating right. Also gain weight by gaining some muscles.

I yeau I'm also going to post some of my stories on here. Not that good I don't edit that much. But hey I'm trying. Love yall and take care.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Lil Info

Hey, what's up? I'm Jo but you can call me Lil Bit or Lil Jo. I'm 18 years old and I reside in Texas. I currently don't go to school but I'm planning on going to college next year or maybe take some summer classes.

I'm planning on blogging about health, fitness, and going green. To be honest I don't know much about any of those subjects so I'm going to also write blogs about me trying to do all those things as well as telling you people tips about it.

Most of my stuff going to be about gaining weight because I'm currently a little underweight and I hate it. I want to be healthier and stop grabbing for junk food all the time. I have a big sweet tooth especially for nerds which happening to have a hugh box of them by my pc. I love them!!! Ok I didn't start trying to go healthy yet kind of.Man it's hard for me. But I'm going to try and they going to leave helpful tips cause they don't have many websites that help people gain weight.

But anyways, I'm going to leave recipes for healthy foods and tips on fitness and going green. Thanks for reading my blog and I'll have more posts coming soon maybe in an hour.